Information taken from www.rawmilkinstitute.org
In many ways, raw milk is similar to breastmilk: both are completely natural, fresh, and unprocessed milks. They both contain a wide variety of essential nutrients, fats, proteins, anti-inflammatory and digestive enzymes, bioavailable vitamins, and minerals, all in a natural form which is most easily utilized by the body. In addition, raw milk facilitates production of lactase enzyme in the intestinal tract, allowing many people who are lactose intolerant to digest raw milk with no problems.
Raw Milk Studies
Large studies have found that raw milk consumption is associated with lower rates of:
Allergy protection ceases when raw milk is heated to 149 °F, which is the same temperature at which the whey proteins are denatured. It is likely that the raw whey proteins are responsible for raw milk’s beneficial effects on allergies, asthma, and inflammation.
Childhood consumption of raw milk correlates with higher pulmonary (lung) function and lower incidence of allergic diseases in adults.
Raw milk’s beneficial effects on asthma are partially mediated by regulatory T cells.
Benefits of raw milk are independent of the environment, such that these benefits are observed in both farm and urban settings.
For a comprehensive list of studies about the health benefits of raw milk, visit the British Columbia Herdshare Association.